Mouneshwari G
PhD Research Scholar, Department of Studies in Economics, Karnatak University, Dharwad. Karnataka State, India.
As India faces the dual challenges of rapid economic growth and rising energy demands, the shift towards renewable energy has emerged as a crucial strategy for sustainable development. This study examines the role of renewable energy in India’s energy landscape and its impact on sustainable development. Renewable energy is essential for enhancing energy security, reducing environmental pollution, driving economic growth, and improving public health. By reviewing recent literature and analysing the progress in renewable energy adoption, this study highlights the significant advancements made in solar, wind, and bioenergy sectors. It also explores the benefits of renewable energy, including reduced greenhouse gas emissions, increased energy access, and alignment with global climate commitments. The findings emphasize the importance of continued investment, innovation, and supportive policies to maintain momentum and ensure a sustainable energy future for India. Further study used Average annual growth rate and graphs only.
Keywords: sustainable development, environmental, economic growth, greenhouse gas emissions
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Climate and Resource Economic Review (CRER)

Published on : 2024-08-28

Vol : 12
Issue : 5
Month : August
Year : 2024
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