Rubini. P, Mrs. T. Sreegeetha
Dr. N.G.P Arts and Science College, Coimbatore
Social media is utilised by billions of people worldwide and has quickly emerged as one of the technologies that define our age. People can freely interact with one another on social media, which also gives marketers many other methods to connect with and engage with consumers. The success of social media as a marketing communication channel has brought several issues for marketers due to its dynamic and emergent nature. It is thought to be distinct from conventional marketing channels. Because they understand the need of participating in ongoing social media dialogues to develop their consumer brand, many businesses are investing in their online presence. More consumers are using social media as a source of product information service, brands and they are gradually displacing traditional media. The focus of this essay is on where consumers should place their faith in social medias future when it comes to consumer goods. The paper used a deductive method and aims to review recent scholarly literature and research on social media marketing, including its history, present applications, advantages and disadvantages, and best practises. Additional research is needed to understand the critical role social media plays in promoting and branding consumer goods during this digital business era. The thorough analysis clearly shows that social media is a big force in the current marketing landscape.
Keywords: Consumer Products, Customer Engagement, Digitalization, Social Media
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Environmental Economics, Commerce and Educational Management

Published on : 2023-04-18

Vol : 10
Issue : 4
Month : April
Year : 2023
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