Catherine P. Casipe, Jed I. Bete
Holy Cross of Davao College, Davao City, Philippines
This study aimed to explore the sentiments of teachers in the implementation of child protection policy. The researcher used a phenomenological approach method in qualitative research employing 12 teachers from one of the public schools in Davao City, of which six of them were identified for an In-Depth Interview and six for a Focus Group Discussion, with the aid of a semi-structured interview guide. The findings of the thematic analysis of the interview transcription revealed that teachers lack a deep understanding of the policy; there is a tendency for students to abuse the policy; and teachers demand for policy amendments. In addressing such sentiments, it was noted that teachers should observe proper monitoring and coordination, embrace effective strategy to address possible students abuse of the policy, and address teachers collective sentiments. It was then learned that the insights of teachers in the implementation of child protection policy include being accountable when difficult situations occur; realizing the importance of sharing good values with students, realizing the importance of establishing positive relationships with students and parents; and leading a child centered and policy-based institution. Overall, it is recommended that child protection policies be revisited with the support of DepEd to make recommendations for possible inclusions of protection and rights of teachers to due process in the policy and that schools are encouraged to participate in policy decision-making and implementation and building positive relationships with parents and learners
Keywords: Child protection policy, positive relationships, rights of teachers, decision-making, monitoring and coordination
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Environmental Economics, Commerce and Educational Management

Published on : 2023-05-18

Vol : 10
Issue : 5
Month : May
Year : 2023
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