Mr. Rajesh K
Research Scholar, Department of Post Graduate Studies and Research in Commerce, Mangalore University, Mangalore, Karnataka
The industrial automation market has been growing at a considerable pace over the last few years in India- owing to the growing need, complying with international standards in quality and cost-effective methods of production. (Mrinmoy Dey,2015). Industrial processes can be controlled manually, but with industrial automation, machines can be controlled by the use of computers as well as different electronic devices. Mainly there are four types of industrial automation: They are fixed, programmable, flexible and integrated automation. Industrial automation has a number of advantages, such as increased productivity and safety, at the same time reduces human error and, thereby, leads to high-quality output. Next generation manufacturing strategies must support global competitiveness, innovation, and introduction of new products, and strong market responsiveness. (François Jammes and Harm Smit,2005) The aim of automation in the process of manufacturing and marketing have been significantly advanced to be autonomous. It should be noted that the future potential of automation is aimed at do away with the repetitious and hazardous job function by serving the outsourcing of the same to a machine.
Keywords: Industrial automation, Technological Advancement
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Environmental Economics, Commerce and Educational Management

Published on : 2024-01-25

Vol : 11
Issue : 1
Month : January
Year : 2024
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