Rubie Jane Alo Planas, Laarni Tambien Evangelio
In the field of education, the role of interactions among highly proficient teachers has been considered one of the most important aspects of teachers lives. These interactions might be a contributing factor to the teachers proficiency in handling students in their class. This study aimed to develop valid and reliable measures to quantify the specific knowledge, skills, and competencies that were enhanced through interactions with highly proficient teachers. Specifically, this study was to determine the relationship of interactions with highly proficient teachers in terms of collaborative approach, nondirective approach, and directive approach, and its effect on teachers proficiency in terms of teachers performance, students performance, and teachers attitudes in La Filipina National High School. Using descriptive quantitative research, which applied correlational research design, this study sought to find out the relationship between the two variables. The study used two adapted instruments for interactions with highly proficient teachers and its effect on teachers proficiency. The first instrument was a 15-item survey questionnaire composed of (1) collaborative approach, (2) non-directive approach, and (3) directive approach as to (1) very low, (2) low, (3) moderate (4) high and (5) very high. The second instrument was 30-item questionnaires composed of (1) teachers performance, (2) students performance, and (3) teachers attitude as to (1) very low, (2) low, (3) moderate (4) high and (5) very high. The study found that there was a significant relationship between interactions of highly proficient teachers and its effect on teachers proficiency. The result showed that positive effect on teachers proficiency was influenced by the interaction of highly proficient teachers.
Keywords: highly proficient teachers, teachers proficiency, collaborative approach, nondirective approach, directive approach, teachers performance, students performance, teachers attitude, correlational research design. Philippines
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Environmental Economics, Commerce and Educational Management

Published on : 2024-03-27

Vol : 11
Issue : 3
Month : March
Year : 2024
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