Dr.Dipalee Shah
Department of Commerce, Sitabai Arts, Commerce & Science College, Akola -444001 (Maharashtra), India.
As education is widely seen as one of the most important factors in reducing poverty and promoting general social development, many different governments have established national education goals, some of which are gender-related. The two main engines behind the growth of small businesses and entrepreneurship are entrepreneurship education and training, which produce the necessary entrepreneurial mindset, abilities, and skills. Also, teachers who teach entrepreneurship have the ability to influence students who come up with a successful business idea. Students gain from having an entrepreneurial perspective even if the majority of their design ideas are not approved and do not reach the market. It will always be a useful skill set that they can use in their practice and career. These abilities enhance their adaptability and agility and help them become intrapreneurs who lead their teams and organizations even after they join an established business or company. Therefore, the focus of this paper is on the need for entrepreneurially oriented education and the application of such skills in India.
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Education, Economic Development
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Environmental Economics, Commerce and Educational Management

Published on : 2024-04-02

Vol : 11
Issue : 3
Month : March
Year : 2024
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