Darwin L. Suan
Graduate Student, The Rizal Memorial Colleges, Inc
This study sought to determine the effect of token approach in the learning motivation of grade 9 students. Eventually, it also sought to determine the effect of token approach in the classroom management. This study made use of the quasi experimental research design which was a non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design. Non-equivalent design was a good design when the researcher had access to one group for experimentation (Vockel 2019). The researcher opted to use this design because the subjects of the study were intact group of learners. This study was conducted at Digos City National High School, Division of Digos City. The subjects of this study were the 90 grade nine pupils – 45 was from section A, assigned as the controlled group and 45 was from section B which assigned as the experimental group. The composition of these two sections was homogeneous. Both learners from sections A and B had identical grades. This study made use of the non-random assignment of subjects where all learners of both sections A and B were involved as subjects of the study. This study revealed that the utilization of token approach had increased the motivation of grade nine pupils. It also revealed that there was magnitude of difference between the post test scores of the controlled and experimental groups.
Keywords: Learning Motivation; Token Approach
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Environmental Economics, Commerce and Educational Management

Published on : 2024-06-20

Vol : 11
Issue : 6
Month : June
Year : 2024
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