Lovely Grace A. Villaroman
Student, The Rizal Memorial Colleges, Inc.
The purpose of this research topic emanated from the observation in the past research that, levels of reading difficulties among Junior High School students are very high in the Philippines and are not an exception (Soriano, 2019). The Philippines could be having thousands of children who have severe reading problems which have not been detected. Therefore, there is a need to identify and understand these reading predicaments early in life and the challenges they bring about so that the situation could be changed for the better. This study involved teachers in grades ten in selected public schools in Davao City. This group was chosen because, the following year, they are supposed to be in the Senior High School to write their examinations which are to be read and answered in English without anybody’s help. The purpose of direct reading activity (RDA) is to activate your students’ thinking prior to reading a passage by scanning the title, chapter headings, illustrations, and other materials. Use open-ended questions to direct students as they make predictions about the content or perspective of the text. Every participant is an English teacher at one of Davao City's chosen public schools. With over five years of experience teaching reading, these participants are currently teaching for school year 2023–2024. This study includes nine participants in total, who, if needed, will participate in the focused group discussion and in-depth interview. Five of them will joined the in-depth interview (IDI) while the remaining four have joined focused group discussion. All data gathered during IDI and FGD was recorded and transmuted to summarize the responses of the participants in an orderly manner. Below are the inclusion criteria of the participants.
Keywords: Comprehension, strategy, students, directed reading, thinking activity
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Environmental Economics, Commerce and Educational Management

Published on : 2024-07-06

Vol : 11
Issue : 7
Month : July
Year : 2024
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