Nonielyn G. Villejo
Student, The Rizal Memorial Colleges, Inc.
In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the professional development of teachers stands as a pivotal factor in the pursuit of improved student outcomes and educational excellence. The role of teachers transcends the mere transmission of knowledge; they are the architects of the learning experience, the guiding lights in the academic journey of students, and the catalysts for educational progress. This study employed qualitative research as the method to explore effective strategies for teacher professional development: insights from educators' perspectives in Pamantawan Integrated School. Phenomenology, as a methodology, seeks to unveil the meaning or essence of an experience, prioritizing understanding over measurements or explanations. Qualitative research methods prove valuable in uncovering the significance of individuals' lived experiences, delving into the underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations. The research participants will be the eight (8) General Education Teachers who are employed Pamantawan Integrated School.Based on the themes that emerged, the implications of the study on identifying effective teaching strategies can be summarized as follows: Implications from the theme "Embracing Student-Centered Approaches: Teaching strategies should prioritize active learning, student engagement, and catering to diverse learning styles. Implications from the theme "Overcoming Obstacles to Effective Teaching: Professional development and training opportunities should be provided to equip educators with the skills and knowledge to address diverse learner needs and integrate technology effectively.Implications from the theme "Overcoming Obstacles to Effective Teaching: Professional development and training opportunities should be provided to equip educators with the skills and knowledge to address diverse learner needs and integrate technology effectively. Future Researchers: Conduct longitudinal studies to evaluate the long-term impact of student-centered teaching strategies on student achievement, engagement, and learning outcomes.
Keywords: effective teaching strategies: discourse from educators’ perspectives
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Environmental Economics, Commerce and Educational Management

Published on : 2024-07-06

Vol : 11
Issue : 7
Month : July
Year : 2024
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