Sheryl Mae Q. Otom
Master of Arts in Education Major in Educational Administration, Assumption College of Nabunturan Teacher I Camanlangan National High School, Division of Davao de Oro
The research aimed to examine the conduct of the 30-minute reading intervention program in the selected secondary schools of Davao de Oro Division. Further, this undertaking aimed at knowing the experiences of the students and the teachers, the problems encountered, mechanisms used in coping with the problems experienced, and the best practices developed conducting the reading program. It employed a qualitative research design specifically phenomenological study. Using validated interview guide questions, the researcher conducted an in-depth-interview among the selected reading teachers and reading specialists of Davao de Oro Division. The results of the study revealed that teachers’ experiences in the conduct of the reading program varied such as dwindling interest of the students, reading program not implemented, students getting bored, students improving in reading, problem with reading materials. With these experiences, teachers have made preparations to effectively conduct the program like equipping the teachers first, set the tone for the program, prepare learning materials and ask students to do advance reading which led to positive results and many inspiring experiences like program good for the students because they have seen that students improved and learned. It also revealed that the commonly encountered problems were the lacking of participation of the teachers, denial of non-readers in their condition, support from parents, time allotment for the program, poor comprehension, unmanageable number of students, and lack of reading materials. As they have experienced such problems and difficulties, the mechanisms used were involvement of concerned individuals, introduce interventions, improve vocabulary, individualized session, introduce varied teaching strategies, and provide learning materials. To some extent, the best practices revealed the usage of different strategies, adoption of slow readers, make reading opportunity regular, on time conduct of reading program, make reading part of the class program and existence of reading corners in the classroom. The recommendations suggested that teachers must embrace the importance of reading preparations, and set the tone of the program to avoid technical errors and discrepancies. Proper trainings and workshops implementing effective reading strategies should be done to cater the students’ reading needs and difficulties. Lastly, a strong support system among the school administrators, parents, and stakeholders in terms of reading needs.
Keywords: Reading Program, Phenomenological Study
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Environmental Economics, Commerce and Educational Management

Published on : 2024-07-23

Vol : 11
Issue : 7
Month : July
Year : 2024
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