Dr.N.SubbuKrishna Sastry, Dr.B.Ismail zabiullah
Assistant Professor, School of Management, CMR University, Bangalore, Karnataka
Humanitarian considerations in an organization refer to the policies and practices that prioritize the welfare and dignity of individuals. This includes ensuring fair treatment, promoting equality, supporting community development, and safeguarding human rights. Ethical humanitarian practices involve making decisions that respect the intrinsic value of all stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, and the community. Incorporating humanitarian considerations into organizational ethics is not just a moral obligation but a strategic advantage in today's business environment. Employees were treated as slaves, subjected to abuse and mental tension without humanitarian consideration. The manager, acting on his own ego and for his selfish interests, foiling all benefits reaching the employees. This toxic environment prevented employees from pursuing extra academic skills and caused severe health issues, leading some to commit suicide too. The management maintained no direct interaction with employees, further exacerbating the situation and neglecting their well-being entirely. The lack of support and oppressive conditions created a hostile and detrimental workplace, devoid of any regard for the employees' mental and physical health. In India's dynamic corporate landscape, integrating humanitarian considerations into organizational ethics is crucial. Managements now realizing that their responsibilities extend beyond profit to include the well-being of employees, communities, and society. This benevolent approach enhances reputation, fosters trust, and promotes sustainable development. Secondary sources of literature have been consulted by the researcher for the development of the concept. In this paper an attempt has been made, to find a good solution to resolve the unfair treatment of an employees in organizations.
Keywords: Humanitarian considerations, Ethical practices, Fair treatment, Social responsibility, Sustainable growth, Better future.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Environmental Economics, Commerce and Educational Management

Published on : 2024-08-29

Vol : 11
Issue : 8
Month : August
Year : 2024
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