Dr.N Subbukrishna Sastry, Ravish P Y
1.Professor, CMR University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 2.Research Scholar, Alagappa University, Karaikudi -630003, Tamilnadu, India
Leadership is undeniably demanding, whether managing a team or an entire organization. Leaders have a myriad of things that they are responsible for and must do, from solving hard problems to establishing the strategic north star. This constant pressure can burn you out and mentally exhaust you as well. Though if handled well, those demands may also be harmonized. If leaders set clear priorities for everyone, delegate tasks so that no one person becomes overwhelmed and prioritize mental health by creating a supportive work environment – stress will significantly decrease. It is important that everyone practices some degree of self-care and seek guidance. With the right strategies, lead effectively, and be healthy-focused focus on getting your teams and organizations are all capable of doing well. It is important to understand that solitude does not mean isolation, rather it means creating a space for oneself where one can reflect and rejuvenate. Leaders benefit from setting aside quiet time for themselves to recharge and think more clearly, which will ultimately make them a better leader. These periods of aloneness produce significant benefits in terms of a leader's state and efficacy. They provide space for deep thinking, long-term planning, and psychological well-being — crucial ingredients to maintaining peak performance ability and making rational choices. Solitude helps leaderscope with stress, innovate and gain perspective. This goes for taking the time to work alone, which can increase your decision-making power as well as resilience and allow you to lead more effectively. And in the end, solitude is actually a very powerful tool to both maintain and ultimate long-term success. The one that allows for leaders to recharge and gain perspective which produces clarity, results in better decisions. Creativity, emotional balance and resilience are critical to leadership effectiveness in the long run. The researcher in his research shows the dischargeable technique to get recharge for satisfactory work schedule.
Keywords: Employee Well-being, Work-Life Balance, Resilience Building, Flexible Recognition Professional Development, Collaborative Culture, Mental Health Support.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Environmental Economics, Commerce and Educational Management

Published on : 2024-09-06

Vol : 11
Issue : 9
Month : September
Year : 2024
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