Ravish Chandra Chaudhary, Vinay Kumar Singh Chandrakar
Madhyanchal Professional University, Faculty of engineering & Technology, School of civil engineering Bhopal, M.P., India
In the analysis of culverts using software, the primary focus is on understanding the structural behavior of reinforced concrete box culverts under different loading conditions. Culverts are crucial for managing water flow beneath roadways or embankments, allowing water to pass through and maintaining water levels on both sides, especially during floods. These structures are referred to as "balancers" when their function is to equalize water levels. For this analysis, the ratio of length to height (L/H ratio) and the angle of internal friction (φ) of the soil surrounding the culvert are key factors influencing its structural response. The L/H ratio defines the shape and proportions of the culvert, impacting the distribution of loads and moments across its span. The angle of internal friction of the soil determines how much resistance the soil provides against sliding or shearing along the culvert, affecting overall stability and bearing capacity. The design of box culverts, as structural components under bridges, railway crossings, and flyovers, plays a crucial role in efficiently channeling water flow to prevent damage to the above structures. This study focuses on the detailed design of a box culvert using STAAD. Pro, following the Indian Railway Standard (IRS) CBS codes. Designed to resist dead load (DL), live load (LL), surcharge load, and impact loads. Engineered to handle the pressure from soil and water below the structure. Carry the lateral earth pressure and water pressure from the sides. The slabs and side walls are designed to resist the maximum bending moment caused by the applied loads. Designed to withstand the shear forces generated due to various loads, ensuring the structure's stability. To ensure durability and limit the crack width, the structure is analyzed for serviceability under different load conditions. This is critical to maintaining the longevity of the structure without excessive maintenance. The use of STAAD. Pro allows for precise analysis and optimization of the box culvert design, ensuring that the structural elements meet the necessary safety and performance criteria based on IRS CBS codes. The study highlights the importance of efficient design, particularly as infrastructure development continues to advance.
Keywords: Surcharge Load, Impact Loads , Box culvert design, Serviceability, Importance of efficient design
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Environmental Economics, Commerce and Educational Management

Published on : 2024-09-28

Vol : 11
Issue : 9
Month : September
Year : 2024
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