Bhupesh Khedikar, Pranay Gabhane, Snaket Asati, Shruti Funde,Mr.Amit Manapure
STUDENT, Manoharbhai Patel Institute of Engineering and Technology Bhandara, India 441906
The pursuit of immediate services and goods have underlied the rapid development of on-demand technology. On- demand technology offers less interaction than conventional methods. It has disrupted the conventional way of obtaining goods or services by offering a way to get immediate goods and services in real time and even on the go. The rising of on-demand technology and startups has led to the creation of an on-demand economy where conventional services are repacked in new modes of delivery and accommodate a wide range of users. More than 30 articles and journals are cited in this paper to provide a thorough discussion about on-demand technology, including the future development of on-demand technology. This paper discusses on- demand technology along with how on-demand technology can disrupt the conventional method of obtaining services and goods. There are five unseen opportunities that new and current companies can leverage to create an on-demand economy. Those are real time technology,characteristics of on demand services, background history and capability, interactive maps, pricing, and distance-wise priority.
Keywords: On-demand technology, on-demand economy, service network, opportunity for new startups, On-demand services, Access economy, Service on-demand
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Environmental Economics, Commerce and Educational Management

Published on : 2021-12-11

Vol : 8
Issue : 12
Month : December
Year : 2021
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