Vennila.A, Dr.K.Shanmugasundaram
Assistant professor , Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women.
The globalization of world economy has increased competition, locally as well as internationally.In such competitive business milieu, organizations need a distinguishing element that will keep consumersidentifying and buying their products. With increase in competition annually, the traditional sources ofcompetitive advantage like leadership in price and quality is not enough to ensure the success of a productanymore in both rural and urban markets. In other words, Company executives are recognizing that the trueworth of the organization is not the tangible assets it owns, but the value ascribed to the brands it isdeveloping to satisfy the needs of the consumerFast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCGs) is a booming sector of India and has a large part of the consumer`s budget. Consumer Buying Behaviour plays an important role in the marketing of Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG). FMCG products in different categories i.e.1.Food product (Masala, Confectionary and prepared meal) 2. Personal care products ( Toothpaste, Fairness Creams, Lotions, Moisturiser, Face wash, Hand Wash, Shaving Cream, Razor, Hair Oil, Shampoos, Lipstick, Nail Polish, Talcum Powder, Milk, etc. ) and Household products ( floor cleaner, )This paper identified the consumer more importance to the purchase of FMCG by customers in Coimbatore district. This study analyses brand loyalty for FMCGs in rural and urban markets. For this comparative study, the relationship between variables on the preferences of food, personal care and household products of the consumers in respected and selected product category was made. A randomly selected sample of200 from Coimbatore district were selected for this study. Results show that among the variables namely gender, age, education and occupation, only age and education have the mostsignificant impact on consumer’s brand loyalty in urban areas and in rural areas. These variables were foundinsignificant after the study.
Keywords: Consumer, Preferences, Food, Personal care, Household, Satisfaction, Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG)
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Environmental Economics, Commerce and Educational Management

Published on : 2021-12-14

Vol : 8
Issue : 12
Month : December
Year : 2021
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