Dr. B. Rajasekhar
Assistant professor, Osmania University
The current research paper investigated consumer perceptions of branded products in the city of Hyderabad, and it was undertaken with two major objectives in mind: to investigate the influence of branded product attributes on consumer perceptions of branded grocery products, and to investigate the influence of consumer awareness level/source of information on consumer perceptions of branded grocery products. Primary data was obtained from 294 customers in the city of Hyderabad with the use of a structured questionnaire in order to achieve the principal goals, and it was then examined using ANOVAs, correlations, and multiple regressions using the SPSS 20.0 version. Customers’ perceptions of brand grocery products are significantly influenced by the respected attributes factors, awareness level factors, and correlation factors. The results of multiple regression revealed that availability of products, branded products, extensive varieties of products, promotional offers / discounts, peer groups, and celebrities having a positive attitude toward brand grocery products were significant predictors of customer perceptions of brand grocery products, and the results of correlation revealed that there is a strong correlation between age and awareness level and attributes factors.
Keywords: Brand, Consumer perception, Attributes, Awareness level.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Environmental Economics, Commerce and Educational Management

Published on : 2022-01-04

Vol : 9
Issue : 1
Month : January
Year : 2022
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