A.Rajini, Dr. M. Rajesh
Work and life remain the two most principal areas in the life of a used single individual. There is a developing readiness in today’s workplaces that employees don’t surrender their lives just because they work. With the increasing differences of family structures spoke to in today’s workforce, especially with the creating standard of twofold profession families, the imperativeness of managing an employee’s work-life balance have expanded prominently in recent years. Managements understand that the possibility of an employee’s close to home and family life effects work quality and that there are solid business motivations to advertise work and non-work coordination. In this project, we battle that helping employees to achieve a work-life balance should transform into an essential bit of HR policy and system if it is to truly get the best from the association’s kin without forsaking them unsatisfied, exhausted and unfulfilled.
Keywords: Work quality, HR Policy, work life Balance
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Environmental Economics, Commerce and Educational Management

Published on : 2022-08-02

Vol : 9
Issue : 7
Month : July
Year : 2022
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