Abhishek Purohit, Unnati Lal, Aryan Aggarwal, Ronit Kumar
Student, SVKMs Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies- NMIMS Bangalore
In India economy, foreign commerce is significant. The covid-19 epidemic has severely hurt international trade. India exports as it is now already had a decline in the previous year, but slowly and surely, it is achieving solid growth on a global scale. As a result, an effort has been undertaken to research India commerce during the COVID-19 period after noticing this trend. Additionally, data from earlier years have been used to compare the expansion and contraction of the industry. The patterns that India had previously experienced are included in this report. Multiple secondary data sources had linked to this study, which shows that COVID-19 had a significant negative influence on India foreign commerce and caused it to contract frequently throughout that time.
Keywords: Import and Export, Foreign Trade, Indian Economy, Covid-19, Negative, Positive
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Environmental Economics, Commerce and Educational Management

Published on : 2022-11-18

Vol : 9
Issue : 11
Month : November
Year : 2022
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