Leovigilda L. Bithay, Polinar Mark Anthony N
Master in Business Administration, Cebu Technological University - Main Campus, Philippines
This research determines the account management collections of purchase order card holders or guarantors and the effectiveness of different collection strategies employed by retail stores. The objective is to integrate the 59.89 percent e-payment systems as a preferred payment method from the reflected 58.4 percent over-the-counter payment methods that resulted in a high risk of uncollected accounts or commonly known as doubtful accounts. Henceforth, automated invoicing of the statement of accounts is highly suggested to prevent delay, the conventional sending of a statement of accounts or invoicing presented 54.5 percent of purchase order card holders or guarantors did not receive their statement of accounts, during COVID-19. To recover from the economic loss this research showed a significant level of 0.03 on account management collections, indicating the need for effective collection strategies. This highlights the significance of the employee’s relationship to the collection process, indicating a positive correlation between groups and their strategies. The findings suggest that purchase order card holders or guarantors are willing to pay using e-wallets. The correlation presents the relationship between six variables: income (I), standardized collections (SD), payment behavior (PB), communication (C), timely invoicing (TI), and follow-up procedures (FP). The results indicate that all variables have a positive correlation with each other. The recommendation is to create a hybrid process model to manage collections strategically, incorporating e-wallets and automated statements of accounts to improve overall business performance
Keywords: Accounts Management, Collections, Purchase Order Card Holders or Guarantors, E-Wallets, Automation, Hybrid Process Model, Business Administration
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review(JEBR)

Published on : 2023-06-30

Vol : 11
Issue : 6
Month : June
Year : 2023
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