Nisha K , Dr. Jayarajan T K
1.Sree Narayana College Kannur, Nariyantepunna (HO) Karivedakam (PO) Chengal (VIA) Kasaragod, 2. Department of Commerce, Payyanur College, Edat (PO), Payyanur-670327
Workplace spirituality offers a means of comprehending the relationship between the individual and the workplace. Examining the bibliometric analysis of research publications on workplace spirituality that are listed in the Scopus database is the aim of the current endeavour. 1148 scientific publications that were released between 1995 and 2023 were selected for this analysis. This research article performs a number of bibliometric analyses and evaluations using the freely available platform Biblioshiny and the VOS Viewer software. The analysis's findings demonstrated instrumental knowledge, including the publication type, affiliation, topic matter, annual publications, top contributing authors, and top contributing nations in publications. According to the facts, India initiated a substantial quantity of research after the United States of America. The bulk of research articles published in 2020 shows a scattered pattern. The main themes of workplace spirituality are adults, males and females, organization and management, and leadership. Workplace spirituality, regression analysis, staff surveys, and sustainable development are some of the emerging themes. These findings will give upcoming academics additional possibilities to use as a foundation for their investigation of workplace spirituality.
Keywords: Workplace Spirituality, Spirituality, Bibliometric analysis, Bliblioshy, VOS viewer
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review(JEBR)

Published on : 2024-09-06

Vol : 12
Issue : 9
Month : September
Year : 2024
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