Jyotirmayee Sahoo , Dr. Pratap Kumar Jena
Ph. D. Scholar, Maharaja Sriram Chandra Bhanja Deo University
Pre-school education (PSE) has become one of the most important strategies to prepare children physically, emotionally, socially and mentally for formal learning as well as to prevent poor performance and early drop out in subsequent learning. It covers all forms of organized and center-based activities to foster the social, emotional and cognitive development of children. Pre-school education (PSE) is considered as one of the most important components of integrated child development services (ICDS) scheme in India. It helps children to perform in a better manner in primary education as well as in subsequent stages of learning. It also helps in the cognitive, social, emotional, psychological and physical development of children. This paper reviews some of the evidences of impact of pre-school education on the development of children.
Keywords: Pre-school education, development, ICDS, India
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review(JEBR)

Published on : 2022-06-13

Vol : 10
Issue : 6
Month : June
Year : 2022
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