Mitali Madhusmita

Innovation is important in every business organisation. This will help to lead to the creation of new idea into business and also forms the solutions. The entrepreneurship innovation has helped the country in the changing with the time and producing new products and services from ones that already exist. The importance of innovation in the entrepreneurship is to find out the new ways that the entrepreneur can use to produce the product. From the institutions perspective, students at college level show more enthusiasm in learning new things and that is the part where they should be imparted the knowledge of entrepreneurship by the college members. In this paper a research is done on the possible initiatives that the colleges can take up to improve entrepreneurship among the students. For this purpose, a sample size of 100 respondents was selected and questionnaires were distributed to analyse their choices and the initiatives that their respective colleges have taken till date, from this the researchers have found that many number of colleges have taken quite impressive initiatives for fostering entrepreneurship while, there are still few number of colleges that do not provide any such facility or take any initiative to improve the knowledge of entrepreneurship among students.

KEYWORDS: entrepreneurship, initiatives, innovation

Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review(JEBR)

Published on :

Vol : 7
Issue : 8
Month : August
Year : 2019
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