
India is always in the forefront in developing policies and programmes keeping in view the best interest of the children. India has demonstrated its commitment to child development by becoming to a signatory to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) and ratified the same on 11th December 1992. The rights of the child include many dimensions. To be more specific, the rights include- right to family life; right to be protected from violence; right to have a say and be respected; right to health, and right to education. The rights also include protection to these children living in difficult circumstances. The children should have the freedom from discrimination on the basis of the race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identify, national origin, religion, disability, color, ethnicity and other considerations. The child rights have to be protected by the various stakeholders such as parents, teachers, educationists, community leaders, social workers, doctors, law enforcement authorities, judicial authorities, media professionals, policy makers, government officials, organizers of non-government organizations and corporate houses. The Indian Corporate sector has adopted certain healthy practices for child rights protection. Today more and more consumer goods industries especially either western multinationals or those having western links seem to have adopted a cohesive strategy which addresses the issue of child labour from a child rights perspective. The paper evaluates the role of corporate houses in the protection of child rights.

KEYWORDS: Child Rights, Corporate Houses, Constitutional Provisions, Corporate Social Responsibility

Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review(JEBR)

Published on :

Vol : 7
Issue : 7
Month : July
Year : 2019
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