Education is a dynamic resource of change for a better of education tomorrow. In the process of making education more meaningful, or a question of improving its quality or even making it more accessible to children, one thing that always prominently matters is the teacher, as the teacher is the heart of the school system.  Money, materials, time, space, facilities and curricula all these are important too .Ultimately the ability of the teacher to perform is crucial. Apparently, this is a period of rapid changes, resulting both from demands outside of the educational world, such as the pressures of national interest, and from the demands research and development. 

KEYWORDS: Education, teacher, materials, time, space, teacher’s attitudes,

" > Education is a dynamic resource of change for a better of education tomorrow. In the process of making education more meaningful, or a question of improving its quality or even making it more accessible to children, one thing that always prominently matters is the teacher, as the teacher is the heart of the school system.  Money, materials, time, space, facilities and curricula all these are important too .Ultimately the ability of the teacher to perform is crucial. Apparently, this is a period of rapid changes, resulting both from demands outside of the educational world, such as the pressures of national interest, and from the demands research and development. 

KEYWORDS: Education, teacher, materials, time, space, teacher’s attitudes,

" > Education is a dynamic resource of change for a better of education tomorrow. In the process of making education more meaningful, or a question of improving its quality or even making it more accessible to children, one thing that always prominently matters is the teacher, as the teacher is the heart of the school system.  Money, materials, time, space, facilities and curricula all these are important too .Ultimately the ability of the teacher to perform is crucial. Apparently, this is a period of rapid changes, resulting both from demands outside of the educational world, such as the pressures of national interest, and from the demands research and development. 

KEYWORDS: Education, teacher, materials, time, space, teacher’s attitudes,

" >


Dr.Kotresh.B. Basapur

Education is a dynamic resource of change for a better of education tomorrow. In the process of making education more meaningful, or a question of improving its quality or even making it more accessible to children, one thing that always prominently matters is the teacher, as the teacher is the heart of the school system.  Money, materials, time, space, facilities and curricula all these are important too .Ultimately the ability of the teacher to perform is crucial. Apparently, this is a period of rapid changes, resulting both from demands outside of the educational world, such as the pressures of national interest, and from the demands research and development. 

KEYWORDS: Education, teacher, materials, time, space, teacher’s attitudes,

Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review(JEBR)

Published on :

Vol : 7
Issue : 7
Month : July
Year : 2019
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