Dr.Nethravathi C.N

Empowerment of women can take place at a hierarchy of different levels-individual, household, community and societal. The components of empowerment of women essentially include-access to economic resources, participation in economic decision making, opportunities for self-development, participation in socio-political decision making, scope for skill development and impact on general welfare of the family. Women have a crucial role to play in modern information society.   Women empowerment is needed to create more number of agents of change for sustained socio-economic development and security around the world. Right to information and participation of women in information society can increase the opportunities for women and a chance to build a more inclusive digital world. The right to information heralded a new age of active participation of women in the developmental activities and enabled them to earn their rightful share in India. Efforts are made to reduce information asymmetries since all persons should have the same opportunity and ability to exercise their right of access to information. Women need information on all aspects of their empowerment from government, non-government, private and other sectors. Right to information has enabled the women to acquire information about new resources and opportunities in different sectors. Women’s access to, and use of, digital ICTs can challenge gender-based power relations. In particular, access to information enables women to understand and exercise their full range of rights. New media and tools have offered game changing possibilities for women’s empowerment in the world. Provision and access to information are vital factors in the empowerment of women.

KEYWORDS: Empowerment of women, self-development, Emergence of women, economic resources.

Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review(JEBR)

Published on :

Vol : 7
Issue : 6
Month : June
Year : 2019
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