Dr. G M Dinesh

“To the doubters and naysayers and everyone who gave me heel and said I could not, that I would not or I must not – your resistance made me stronger, made me push harder, made me the figter that I am today.  It made me the women that I am today.  So thank you” – Madonna. 

Women empowerment main advantages are that overall development of the nation in all the sector and empowerment of women leads to decrease in domestic violence.

Empowerment was defined as a process of transformation of power relation by which oppressed persons gain some control over their lives and involved in the matters, which affects them directly through MGNREGA. The role of women in development is most intimately related to the goal of comprehensive socio-economic development. Empowerment is the re-distribution of power that challenges ideology in male dominance area. It is the greater transformation of the structure or institutions that reinforces and perpetuates gender discrimination. MGNREGA have been playing a important role in employment generation and employment of women. Many programme are using the financial resources availed to fund investments in assets creation and help financially and socially for the downtrodden women in India. Micro -finance is directly helping poor to empower the conditions of women in India. Women from gross roots investing in self help groups and engaging the women in social, economic, and political fields. Women will be able to plan for their livelihood through the MGNREGA. Marginalized women finds employment in MGNREGA are rejuvenating sparks in their lives. This paper looks into the impact of MGNREGA in the upliftment of women status through their contribution to the empowered society. MGNREGA helped them to overcome majority of their personal as professional life. This is a new venture in the women empowerment and social development angle. If not full at least is a hope for many women who are downtrodden sections of the society. This will be programme of mass enlightenment and empowerment .This study carried out in Karnataka of India.

KEYWORDS: Empowerment, employment, investments, Micro –finance, Women, livelihood security

Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review(JEBR)

Published on :

Vol : 7
Issue : 3
Month : March
Year : 2019
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