Mahesh Dalvi

The Automobile sector is expanding globally with a steady growth rate. The sector is one of the most stable sectors over the last century, despite significant changes taking place in the industry in the last decade. The purpose of this paper is to understand these major changes in the context of overall sustainability perspective of corporations. The study analyzes internal strategic drivers influencing the sustainability performance and its linkage with the role of the investors. The study compares corporations listed in the Global100 most sustainable corporations (G100) and those not listed in the G100. The major focus is on superior sustainability performance by analyzing the difference between the content of the sustainability drivers of G100 and non G100 automobile corporations. With the help of one way ANOVA test, this study also investigates the significance of the impact of these strategic drivers of sustainability on the frequency of getting listed in the G100. This is the first study of this kind on the automobile industry with an emphasis on the G100 sustainability performance. The findings imply that getting listed in the G100 indices has positive correlation with the content of social and environmental values addressed in the strategic sustainability drivers identified in this study. The study is limited to the automobile sector as a single industrial sector and can’t be directly extrapolated to other industries in general.

KEY WORDS- G100, Automobile, Sustainability, Performance, Drivers, Strategy

Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review(JEBR)

Published on :

Vol : 7
Issue : 2
Month : February
Year : 2019
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