Emoh Chinedu Stanislous

The evaluation of the corporate performance delivered by the chief executive officer from the background of a generalist or specialist is the focus of this paper.They both have their respective responsibilities and pattern of operations in performing in the organisation. The inputs of both generalist and specialist are critical to the smooth and successful running of the organisation because the organisation itself exists as a system that has various facets and requires inputs from different sources. The system theory here explains the importance of the contributions of the each of the sub-units and sides to contribute to the success of the whole organisation. The skills and competencies required from the generalist and specialist therefore become inevitable in managing a successful organisation. These expected competencies and capabilities are viewed as the invaluable characteristics of the generalist and specialist in the management team. The generalist’s characteristics of understanding and in-depth knowledge of the system approach, ability of the group dynamic management, broad based knowledge of the fundamentals of all the system and subunits, global view orientation in management and other vital characteristics are considered very essential and are ascribed to the generalist. The specialist’s characteristics of expertise on the other hand, being the master of the task, be focused, in-depth knowledge and experience of specific areas, vital contribution to overall organisation’s results and consulting skills of the specialized area are also evaluated and established to very essential also.Effectiveness of performance of the generalist and specialist is also examined considering the work rotation and work team approach which is widely adopted by global organisations in modern business environment. In concluding, though both the generalist and specialist are considered very vital but to operate competitively and succeed in the current business world, corporate performance results have clear backings that the generalist taking up the responsibilities of the CEO is considered the way to go for a modern world class organisation.

KEY WORDS: Corporate, Generalist, Measurement, Performance, Specialist, System.

Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review(JEBR)

Published on :

Vol : 6
Issue : 9
Month : September
Year : 2018
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