Dr. Kassegne Damtew

  It is observed that from South Wollo Zone, many people legally or illegally move to Gulf countries   for economic purpose. The emigrants mostly  recruited  in low –skilled jobs : Male  emigrants   for  waste disposal, camel and goat herding and  construction while   female emigrants, on the other hand, are mainly recruited  for household labor  purposes including cleaning rooms and compounds, laundry, washing cars, cooking, disposing waste,  nursing and looking after children and elders. , However, emigrants’ intensions are affected by some antecedent factors.  Therefore, this study is designed to investigate the determinant factors of emigrants’ success in their destination countries. In order to achieve this objective descriptive research design was employed in which mixed research approach was used. The sampling design selected for the study was snowball sampling and primary data was collected from target respondents:  returnees, potential emigrants, kebele officials, South Wollo Zone Labor and social affairs experts via questionnaires and interviews. Secondary data for this study was reviewed from literatures and websites. The collected data was analyzed   descriptively using central tendency and dispersion while inferences are made using correlation and regression analysis.

  The findings of the study showed that emigrants’ education level, knowledge/skill on the job they engaged, and legal mobility are related to emigrants’ success. Emanates from the result, suggestion was made that emigrants need to fulfill requirements of completing elementary  education, participate in training before departure and  use only   authorized mobility. It is also suggested that concerned bodies need to facilitate to curb illegal migration and work for the enforcement of   proclamation 909/2015

  KEY WORDS:  Emigrants, emigrants education level, Training,   legal mobility, & success

Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review(JEBR)

Published on :

Vol : 6
Issue : 4
Month : April
Year : 2018
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