Dr. Hema Gandotra

The phenomenon of migration in society is universal and is applicable to all stages of human life. The history of mankind is the history of human movement, mostly voluntary, but as the world became more populated and as open spaces began to shrink, these movements increasingly became involuntary. The migration of Kashmiri Pandits took place during 1989-90 which were forced to migrate and it is referred as the involuntary migration. After displacement, many displaced people have settled in other parts of India, a substantial number of displaced families are languishing in various government-run camps on the outskirts of Jammu city. After construction of the TRTs in different camps i.e Muthi camp, Purkhoo camp, Nagrota camp and Jagti camp, Kashmiri migrants were shifted to those TRTs. But largest chunk of Kashmiri Pandits, after living 21 years in government run camp, were resettled at Jagti with high hopes and aspirations that the developed colony will finally put an end to their basic needs of housing, health and education etc. The present paper has made an attempt to look into the socio-economic life of Kashmiri migrants at Jagti and as important to made a comparison about the experiences of those first settled in camps and then resettled at Jagti. It has also tried to analyse the resettlement of the Kashmiri migrants in Jagti Township of Jammu district and also exploring whether the resettlement has put an end to their problems. The objective issues like family, family size, income, education and age were included in the study.

KEY WORDS: Migration, Resettlement, Migrants and Displacement.

Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review(JEBR)

Published on :

Vol : 6
Issue : 2
Month : February
Year : 2018
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