Ms. Saba Inamdar

Human resource management have been dealing in the employee motivation, training, development, employee safety and wellness and many similar strategic policies to manage and maintain a healthy work culture and environment. Employee engagement is the ability of the organization in involving the employee with the organization in such a manner that the employee commits and dedicates himself/herself to the organization and brings zeal within every time he comes to the work place. Employee engagement is less studied and discussed upon. Even if it is studied or explored, it would be only for consulting firms or humongous MNC’ and not educational institutions which form the radical of development or for that matter the beginning of any technologically advanced business empire either started by a qualified entrepreneur or has hired qualified team of managers and team leaders. Institutes often assume achievement of customer satisfaction through employee satisfaction and employee satisfaction is again misunderstood as satisfaction of personal needs of employees only. This paper is an empirical study on the employee engagement with a focus on the teaching staff who are in direct contact with the customer i.e. the students and knows the microscopic detail of the target customer. Employee engagement being a two way communication and commitment among the organization and the employees working there in should be based on belief, conviction, honesty, sincerity, and solidarity. The study aims at identifying the level of employee engagement in educational institutions with a view for the improved business outcomes, further to know whether the actions taken by organization are consistent with the values of the teaching staff. During the survey appropriate ratios of male and female samples were covered. The results displayed that the teaching staff desires to learn for self and for the customer i.e. the student and also yearns to be engaged in management but management is not cooperative enough for the development of teaching staff and also to cope the millennial generation as the current generation is popularly known with students of high level intelligent quotient (IQ) and multifarious attitudes. It is further found out that though management is willing to know about the needs the student but not the teaching staff.

KEY WORDS: Employee engagement, teaching staff, educational institutions, employee satisfaction.

Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review(JEBR)

Published on :

Vol : 6
Issue : 1
Month : January
Year : 2018
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