
Tipu wanted to develop the economy of Mysore State in a different way and make his citizens economically self-reliant and politically sovereign republics. Tipu’s skillful diplomacy paid rich dividends economically and politically. His bold and patriotic initiatives reflected clear global vision and developmental missionary zeal. Tipu had adopted healthy measures to increase the production and productivity in the fields of agriculture and industry. The wars and conquests had filled the State Treasury with immense wealth. This helped to a large extent in establishing a sound economy in Mysore.Tipu was a great champion of state capitalism which benefited the state and people. Tipu Sultan rigidly enforced socio-moral reforms to promote the economic welfare of his subjects. The abundant historical documents provide authentic details and justifications on the significant contributions of Tipu Sultan for the integrated development of the nation.

KEYWORDS: production, productivity, Tipu Sultan, economic interest

Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review(JEBR)

Published on :

Vol : 5
Issue : 11
Month : November
Year : 2017
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