Mostafa Soleymannezhad

Information Technology (IT) is a term that encompasses all forms of technology used to create, store, exchange and operate information in its different forms as well as business data, conversations, motion pictures, still images and hypermedia productions. Knowledge about new technology and be updated is essential for any person in the new world to have a proper life and improved work. In this world, the risk is mixed with any job and life and anywhere and it is very important for human to decrease that.

In India, there are 24 Life Insurance companies which help people to reduce death or losing money risks. LIC is the famous and only one governmental insurance company in India and in this study, the researcher assesses the impact of Information Technology on Operation Efficiency of Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) in Mysore District. According to the result of the analysis mostly IT has a significant correlation with Operation Efficiency of LIC and only Brand Loyalty and Product Development of Operation Efficiency don’t have a correlation with Admin of IT assets. Another result of study showed that IT has a positive impact on Operational Efficiency of LIC in perception of Customers respondents, it means Web and Admin have positive impact on Customer service, Brand loyalty and Product development of LIC.

KEYWORDS: Hardware, PC, Software, Admin, Brand Loyalty, Customer Service, Product Development, Web, Insurance, LIC

Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review(JEBR)

Published on :

Vol : 5
Issue : 9
Month : September
Year : 2017
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