campaigns in all walks of life across the globe. There has been the most dramatic development in the information age over recent years. Social media platforms are completely free to use, the only cost to businesses being the time spent on updating profiles and interacting with contacts. Social media are different from social networking sites. There are about 100 largest social networks in the world based on the number of active users. Social networking is a two-way communication, where conversations are at the core, and through which relationships are developed to achieve the goals of social networking and social participation for development.

KEYWORDS: Social media, social networking, communication tools, communication technologies

" > campaigns in all walks of life across the globe. There has been the most dramatic development in the information age over recent years. Social media platforms are completely free to use, the only cost to businesses being the time spent on updating profiles and interacting with contacts. Social media are different from social networking sites. There are about 100 largest social networks in the world based on the number of active users. Social networking is a two-way communication, where conversations are at the core, and through which relationships are developed to achieve the goals of social networking and social participation for development.

KEYWORDS: Social media, social networking, communication tools, communication technologies

" > campaigns in all walks of life across the globe. There has been the most dramatic development in the information age over recent years. Social media platforms are completely free to use, the only cost to businesses being the time spent on updating profiles and interacting with contacts. Social media are different from social networking sites. There are about 100 largest social networks in the world based on the number of active users. Social networking is a two-way communication, where conversations are at the core, and through which relationships are developed to achieve the goals of social networking and social participation for development.

KEYWORDS: Social media, social networking, communication tools, communication technologies

" >
Ancy Mathew

Social media are online technologies and practices that people use to share content, opinions, insights, experiences and perspectives. They are interactive digital tools that feature content users may generate, manipulate, or influence. The social media provide several advantages to the mankind. The ability of the social media to increase the networking potential or work with others regardless of distance presents new ways for people. Social media could be easily utilized to create cost effective strategies and campaigns in all walks of life across the globe. There has been the most dramatic development in the information age over recent years. Social media platforms are completely free to use, the only cost to businesses being the time spent on updating profiles and interacting with contacts. Social media are different from social networking sites. There are about 100 largest social networks in the world based on the number of active users. Social networking is a two-way communication, where conversations are at the core, and through which relationships are developed to achieve the goals of social networking and social participation for development.

KEYWORDS: Social media, social networking, communication tools, communication technologies

Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review(JEBR)

Published on :

Vol : 5
Issue : 8
Month : August
Year : 2017
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