Mrinal Ghosh

Green banking refers to the practices made by the banks to reduce the internal carbon footprint and external carbon emission from their day to day practices. It has gained momentum recently for the development of green economy which conforms to long term development and sound ecological balance. It is providing benefits to multiple sections of the society viz; Bankers, Customers, Environment etc in various capacities. At present Green banking practices are performed through various Information technology devices such as ATM, Green channel counters, mobile banking, online banking, tele-banking, credit cards, etc which aims at reducing the use of finite natural resources. One of the largest commercial bank of our country i.e. the State Bank of India (SBI) is practicing green banking practices in different formats.

            This paper tries to find out the level of knowledge of green banking services among the bank consumers, and their frequency of availing it. And also explores the various factors which can influence their knowledge and execution of green banking services.

            The study reveals that the knowledge and execution of green banking services varies widely between the strata. And the factor which has been derived to be influencing their knowledge and execution are many such as technical knowledge, distance from banks, attitude of the customers etc.

            E- Banking also increases the efficiency and profitability of the banks. But a question arises whether the green banking services are safe or not? Of course it is, depending upon the care and concern with the proper way of using it.

KEY WORDS: Green banking, Modern banking Services, Digital Financial Inclusion

Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review(JEBR)

Published on :

Vol : 5
Issue : 8
Month : August
Year : 2017
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