Miss. Aparna Varma

India and Russia have shared a bonhomie that speaks about their inclination towards one another and also the maturity in their relation that have come over the years. Both have had testing days, survived international pressure and have time and again proved their onus towards a multi polar world order. The time tested ties have survived since ages, but this does no where mean that both have taken one another for granted.  This paper seeks to examine the points of convergence between Moscow and New Delhi in a new international order that has become more challenging and demanding. The new governments in both the countries see bilateral relations with a new momentum, engaging to solve problems, managing weak points and lifting the relation from redundancy to resurgence. Having said this my paper seeks to examine the bilateral relations from a new horizon stating that both the countries value the relation and also are working towards breaking the monotony in the relation that has been there post cold war. New issues, challenging international circumstances, role of soft power, engagement in economics and trade all feature in this new relation. So to say, the reset button in the relation has been pressed.

KEYWORDS: India, Russia, foreign policy, multilateral engagement, technological skill

Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review(JEBR)

Published on :

Vol : 5
Issue : 6
Month : June
Year : 2017
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