Mr.Ganta Ravikumar

The contemporary relevance of weather forecasting is primarily amplified in this article based on qualitative research methodology. Weather forecasting is important for individuals and organizations in the fields of natural disaster management and sustainable development. The scholars have contributed certain observational, theoretical and technological concepts and processes for the development of knowledge of the atmosphere. Weather monitoring had gained a new momentum in 1920s with the invention of the radiosonde.          The western scientists developed certain physical laws governing various aspects of the atmosphere on the basis of mathematical equations. Weather forecasting assumed significance during the World War II due to the massive use of military aviation and shipping to conduct the fighting over wide geographical areas. The numerical forecasts had only predicted the evolution of pressure, geo-potential height and vortices patterns. In 1960s, sophisticated computer and weather satellites were used to obtain meteorological data. Several regional and national meteorological organizations were established to monitor weather conditions in 20th century.   The operational weather sounding system was upgraded in the 1990s to improve the status of weather forecasting. The advanced numerical models of the atmosphere have produced forecasts which diverge significantly from reality. The NASA launched the geostationary weather satellites with the GOES-R series in 2015. Weather forecasting can certainly reduces the risk of loss of life and injury on the basis of good evacuation plans, environmental planning and design standards. The modern meteorological institutions play a crucial role in the process of weather forecasting which matters most from sustainable development point of view.

KEYWORDS: weather forecasting, mass media, atmosphere, Weather Prediction

Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review(JEBR)

Published on :

Vol : 5
Issue : 6
Month : June
Year : 2017
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