Dr. Ritu Sharma

Urban transport is a key element of urban infrastructure. An effective urban transport network not only ensures high growth of economy, but also empowers the poor by increasing employment opportunities. The transport demands if left unmet may result in a chaotic situation, totally disrupting the growth of the economy. Delhi, a city of high economic value faces the problem of lack of efficient and environment friendly traffic mode which could reduce the travel time, the level of fatigue, delays in reporting to respective jobs, problems of over exhaustion etc. Due to continuous increase in population, employment opportunities and number of vehicles, there is a constant increase in demand over the years and infrastructure has not grown in adequate proportions making the existing network system function beyond its capacity. This has led to serious traffic problems of congestion, delays, safety, pollution and system management. Immediate steps were needed to improve both the quality and availability of mass transport service. This resulted in the launching of Delhi Mass Rapid Transport System (DMRTS), a joint venture between Government of India and Government of Delhi which was implemented by Delhi Metro Rail Corporation. This paper attempts to study the concept of Metro system and the major factors responsible for the development of Metro Rail Service in Delhi.

KEY WORDS: DMRTS, DPR, RITES, Demographic factors

Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review(JEBR)

Published on :

Vol : 5
Issue : 6
Month : June
Year : 2017
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