Maria Imelda Pastrana Nabor, Ph.D.

This study is a synthesis of an exploration on the different documents of Vatican 11 such as On Human Work, Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, Centisimus Annus, and the different outlines extracted from The Rich Heritage of Catholic Social Teaching written by Schultheis, et. al.  The documents interprets the evolution of papal social teaching on economic justice from the “class” concern of Leo X111 and Pius X1, dealing with the maldistribution of wealth and power in Western countries, to the world concern of John XX111, Gaudium et Spes, and Paul V1 dealing with the same maldistribution on the global level. Pope John Paul 11 exhibited the problem of development as existing not only in underdeveloped or developing countries but also in rich or economically developed countries.  He emphasized the miseries of underdevelopment and is equally inadmissible like super development.  He noted that we find ourselves up against a form of super development.  Like underdevelopment, super development is contrary to what is good and to true happiness.  Super development is an excessive availability of every material goods for the benefit of certain social groups making people slaves of possession and of immediate gratification, with no other horizon than the multiplication or continual replacement of the things already owned with others still better.  This is known as civilization of consumption or consumerism constituting so much throwing-away and waste.  This is blind submission to pure consumerism.  It is crass materialism and simultaneously a radical dissatisfaction.  The mere one possesses the more one wants, while deeper aspirations remain unsatisfied

KEYWORDS: socio-economic, dialogue, church, development, capitalism


Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review(JEBR)

Published on :

Vol : 5
Issue : 4
Month : April
Year : 2017
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