Maria Imelda Pastrana Nabor, Ph.D

This study is a synthesis of an exploration on the different documents of Vatican 11 such as Mater et Magistra, Peace on Earth, Pastoral Constitution of the Church in the Modern World, Populorum Progressio,  A call to action, Justice in the World and Evangelization in the Modern World.  The documents defends papal interventions on social, economic, and political queries.  As mother as well as teacher, the church is concerned not only for the spiritual well-being of humankind but also for the material needs.  It stresses that peace must be based on that order which is “laid down by God.”  The documents called the church into dialogue with the modern world, which included addressing pressing social problems.  It provided a new vision for the relation between church and the world, claiming that church and world learn from each other in reciprocity.  It focuses completely on the single dominant issue of the suffering and poverty of the Third world.  It also focuses on the crucial significance of integral human development in helping to alleviate the misery of the world’s poor, a situation alluded to as a great scandal, a primary threat to world peace, and an enormous challenge to the conscience of those who enjoy riches or relative wealth.     

KEYWORDS: socio-economic, dialogue, church, development, reciprocity

Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review(JEBR)

Published on :

Vol : 5
Issue : 4
Month : April
Year : 2017
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