The quality of a nation is assessed by the quality of its citizens and the quality of the citizens is mostly determined by the educational system of a nation. The educational system in turn depends upon the quality and personal interest of the teachers in their job. The present study is conducted to investigate the job satisfaction of the four levels of teachers in their job. A survey is conducted with 120 number of teacher i.e.30 from primary level,30 from secondary level,30 from higher secondary level,30 from college level (questionnaire) is prepared to collect data from the colleges and schools. Here simple percentage analysis, Descriptive Statistics, Chi-square, Independent Z test  has been used. The analysis of data revealed that most of the college teachers feel interested in teaching, consider that teaching is an ideal job, feel that teaching is a passion and also consider that teaching is more prestigious job than others when the personal interest of college teachers in their job is concerned.

KEYWORDS:  Job Satisfaction, College Teachers, school teachers, Personal Interest, Teaching.

" > The quality of a nation is assessed by the quality of its citizens and the quality of the citizens is mostly determined by the educational system of a nation. The educational system in turn depends upon the quality and personal interest of the teachers in their job. The present study is conducted to investigate the job satisfaction of the four levels of teachers in their job. A survey is conducted with 120 number of teacher i.e.30 from primary level,30 from secondary level,30 from higher secondary level,30 from college level (questionnaire) is prepared to collect data from the colleges and schools. Here simple percentage analysis, Descriptive Statistics, Chi-square, Independent Z test  has been used. The analysis of data revealed that most of the college teachers feel interested in teaching, consider that teaching is an ideal job, feel that teaching is a passion and also consider that teaching is more prestigious job than others when the personal interest of college teachers in their job is concerned.

KEYWORDS:  Job Satisfaction, College Teachers, school teachers, Personal Interest, Teaching.

" > The quality of a nation is assessed by the quality of its citizens and the quality of the citizens is mostly determined by the educational system of a nation. The educational system in turn depends upon the quality and personal interest of the teachers in their job. The present study is conducted to investigate the job satisfaction of the four levels of teachers in their job. A survey is conducted with 120 number of teacher i.e.30 from primary level,30 from secondary level,30 from higher secondary level,30 from college level (questionnaire) is prepared to collect data from the colleges and schools. Here simple percentage analysis, Descriptive Statistics, Chi-square, Independent Z test  has been used. The analysis of data revealed that most of the college teachers feel interested in teaching, consider that teaching is an ideal job, feel that teaching is a passion and also consider that teaching is more prestigious job than others when the personal interest of college teachers in their job is concerned.

KEYWORDS:  Job Satisfaction, College Teachers, school teachers, Personal Interest, Teaching.

" >
Dr. G.Kavitha

The quality of a nation is assessed by the quality of its citizens and the quality of the citizens is mostly determined by the educational system of a nation. The educational system in turn depends upon the quality and personal interest of the teachers in their job. The present study is conducted to investigate the job satisfaction of the four levels of teachers in their job. A survey is conducted with 120 number of teacher i.e.30 from primary level,30 from secondary level,30 from higher secondary level,30 from college level (questionnaire) is prepared to collect data from the colleges and schools. Here simple percentage analysis, Descriptive Statistics, Chi-square, Independent Z test  has been used. The analysis of data revealed that most of the college teachers feel interested in teaching, consider that teaching is an ideal job, feel that teaching is a passion and also consider that teaching is more prestigious job than others when the personal interest of college teachers in their job is concerned.

KEYWORDS:  Job Satisfaction, College Teachers, school teachers, Personal Interest, Teaching.

Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review(JEBR)

Published on :

Vol : 5
Issue : 4
Month : April
Year : 2017
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