
International migration is an emerging issue across the globe. The decision to migrate is always determined by a set of push and pull factor. For an individual the possession of his/her  human capital, age, sex, caste and religion often play a major role, while at the aggregate or macro level the availability of better employment opportunities,  livelihood conditions and other socio-political factors play an important role.

Rising volume of international migration in India not only help the migrants family to improve their socio-economic status, but also help boosting growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as India is the single largest remittance receiving country. Though in the last century the simultaneous working of push and pull factors drove international migration from India, in recent years, the possession of human capital and social networks together play a crucial role.  

International migration from the state Punjab was very high during the early 1980s and 1990s mostly to the country like Canada, United Kingdom (UK) and Gulf Countries for unskilled works. However in the recent years these trends are changing from unskilled to skilled migration and to other parts of the world like Australia, New Zealand, USA, Europe etc., for exploring new opportunities. In this process, the existing social network is playing an important role, particularly in case of youth migration. Furthermore, the large inflow of international remittance influences the households spending patterns in Punjab. An improved households living conditions, with rising saving and investment in land, housing, education, health and other assets would not only boost the growth of state Gross Domestic Product (GSDP) but also help sustaining the process of overall socio-economic development in Punjab in the long run.

KEYWORDS: migration, saving and investment, wage labourers, international migrants

Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review(JEBR)

Published on :

Vol : 5
Issue : 3
Month : March
Year : 2017
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