Based on the results and discussion of this study there is a positive association between Human Development Index and various dimension(s) of financial inclusion, specifically financial inclusion index itself, banking penetration and usage of banking services, and negatively related with availability of banking services. The causality relationship indicates the change in financial inclusion index highly explains the variation in development. Financial inclusion plays a key role in developing a strong and an efficient financial infrastructure, which facilitates development. The discussion leads in the favor of deepening of the financial institutions, and therefore, policymakers can look forward to these findings to maintain inclusive development.

KEYWORDS: Financial Services Coverage, Financial Inclusion Index, Human Development Index

" > Based on the results and discussion of this study there is a positive association between Human Development Index and various dimension(s) of financial inclusion, specifically financial inclusion index itself, banking penetration and usage of banking services, and negatively related with availability of banking services. The causality relationship indicates the change in financial inclusion index highly explains the variation in development. Financial inclusion plays a key role in developing a strong and an efficient financial infrastructure, which facilitates development. The discussion leads in the favor of deepening of the financial institutions, and therefore, policymakers can look forward to these findings to maintain inclusive development.

KEYWORDS: Financial Services Coverage, Financial Inclusion Index, Human Development Index

" > Based on the results and discussion of this study there is a positive association between Human Development Index and various dimension(s) of financial inclusion, specifically financial inclusion index itself, banking penetration and usage of banking services, and negatively related with availability of banking services. The causality relationship indicates the change in financial inclusion index highly explains the variation in development. Financial inclusion plays a key role in developing a strong and an efficient financial infrastructure, which facilitates development. The discussion leads in the favor of deepening of the financial institutions, and therefore, policymakers can look forward to these findings to maintain inclusive development.

KEYWORDS: Financial Services Coverage, Financial Inclusion Index, Human Development Index

" >


D.M. Sheaba Rani

This study is aimed to examine the relationship between the vast dimensions of financial inclusion and development of Ethiopia. Secondary data is applied and collected from National Bank of Ethiopia, World Bank Data Set, MixMarket, and from reports of formal financial institutions for the years 2004 up to 2016. Unfortunately the data for Human Development Index is not available for the years 2015 and 2016. Based on the results and discussion of this study there is a positive association between Human Development Index and various dimension(s) of financial inclusion, specifically financial inclusion index itself, banking penetration and usage of banking services, and negatively related with availability of banking services. The causality relationship indicates the change in financial inclusion index highly explains the variation in development. Financial inclusion plays a key role in developing a strong and an efficient financial infrastructure, which facilitates development. The discussion leads in the favor of deepening of the financial institutions, and therefore, policymakers can look forward to these findings to maintain inclusive development.

KEYWORDS: Financial Services Coverage, Financial Inclusion Index, Human Development Index

Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review(JEBR)

Published on :

Vol : 5
Issue : 2
Month : February
Year : 2017
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