Sunita Yadav

Seasonal labour migration is one of the important types of labour migration that has evidently increased rapidly in recent times but received little attention in empirical research. This is basically a temporary movement of labour or families in response to seasonal hardships caused by economic, climatic and social shocks. Seasonal hardships may include lack of food or income during certain months of year when local markets do not offer income earning opportunities. Although seasonal labour migration, is now an essential part of the livelihood strategies pursued by a large number of poor people in developing countries, but it has been ignored not only in public policy but our statistical system are currently not adequate to capture such flow of labour. In this paper, a brief overview of literature in the context of seasonal labour migration is brought out under these three different strands of literature: - (i) Seasonal Labour Migration: Magnitude and Composition (ii) The Drivers of Seasonal Labour Migration: Push v/s Pull (iii) Impacts of Seasonal Labour Migration.

KEYWORDS: Seasonal Labour Migration, Magnitude, Composition, Drivers, Impacts.

Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review(JEBR)

Published on :

Vol : 5
Issue : 2
Month : February
Year : 2017
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