Dr. Suganda Ramamoorthi

The participation of women in the market economy as entrepreneurship has seen radical acceleration. Their contribution to the economic development has been increased multifold. The sixth Economic Census conducted by MOSPI in 2015 indicated that of the total entrepreneurship, women constitute 13.7.6 percent and they provide employment to 13.45 million persons. The sixth Economic Census conducted by MOSPI in 2015 indicated that of the total entrepreneurship, women constitute 13.7.6 percent and they provide employment to 13.45 million persons. Women have been successful in breaking their confinement within the limits of their homes by entering into varied kinds of professionals and services women entrepreneurs have proved to be on par with their men counterparts in business acumen and are emerging as smart and dynamic entrepreneurs. However, they work under severe constraints. It is pertinent to understand the various challenges they face like social, cultural, religious challenges. But it is even more essential to comprehend the same from a feminist perspective so as to enable them to overcome it.  The aim of this paper is to investigate the feminist perspective of business, its success and challenges. It will increase the understandings of women’s perceptions on the challenges which will help in policy decisions.

KEYWORDS: human resource, women entrepreneurship, Empowering women, Jobseekers

Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review(JEBR)

Published on :

Vol : 4
Issue : 10
Month : October
Year : 2016
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