Lydia Sylvia Danku

The study assessed the role of audit of human resource management practices at Volta River Authority (VRA) with the following objectives: to assess whether human resource audit is incorporated into the long term strategic plan of VRA, the importance VRA attaches to human resource audit and to determine the relationship between human resource audit and the achievement of corporate objectives of the company. A semi structured interview and questionnaire were used to access data from managers and human resource staff. The study revealed that the company recognizes the human resource activities as necessary for its operations. It was also gathered that most of the respondents saw the importance of HR audit to the organization as being high. The responses gathered further revealed that the company had put in place some structures to achieve its corporate objectives and that human resource planning is an integral component of the strategic business planning cycle of the company since it is incorporated into the company’s long-term strategic plans to ensure a strategic and coherent approach to the management of the organization’s employees. It was also revealed that more than half of the respondents felt that the company had developed a strategy to utilize modern HR practices to help the organization achieve its objectives in future by providing for competent, well–motivated employees and also that human resource forecasts provide the basis for recruitment planning. Finally, that realistic timetable for completing the Audit process were not really established and adhered to by the company. It was recommended that VRA should institutionalize an annual HR audit process as part of its annual planning cycle in order to proactively identify weakness for continuous improvement. The company should also adopt the use of IT-based system in determining the need and strategies for recruitment, training, distribution and placement of Human resources. There was also the need for management to develop an appropriate communication strategy and institutionalize participatory leadership and team approaches for involving the various internal stakeholders in decision making to ensure ownership and commitment in achieving the organization goals.

KEYWORD: Human Resource Management Practices (HRMP), Human Resource Strategy, Audit, Ghana

Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review(JEBR)

Published on :

Vol : 4
Issue : 8
Month : August
Year : 2016
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