P. Arokiasamy

Environmentally induced population displacement is a hot topic. Concerns about the consequences of climate change for human populations, the recognition that migration may be one of the most viable adaptation strategies, and the view that such population movements would present security challenges fuel this increasing interest. The process of climate change – and the natural disasters and conflicts it engenders – will add to the scale and complexity of human mobility and displacement. While climate change has been the subject of intense debate and speculation within the scientific community, insufficient attention has been given to its humanitarian consequences. Just as the causes of climate change are being analyzed and their likely effects assessed, it is equally imperative to anticipate displacement scenarios and improve the quality and readiness of our response. This paper examines the population displacement scenario consequent upon climate change. It outlines the hotspots of displacement and impact of climate change on migration. Further impact of drought, storms and floods on human displacement has been pointed out. This paper concludes with some policy measures to prevent the negative impact of climate change on human displacement.

KEY WORDS: Population Displacement, Climate change, Migration. 

Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review(JEBR)

Published on :

Vol : 4
Issue : 7
Month : July
Year : 2016
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