Meenakshi Duggal

Punjab is a rich state with not only the minimum hunger reports but also the maximum working population. Entering into the phase of demographic transition, it is now one of the young states of India. The region has maximum number of young consumers in the field of education, communication and other amenities of life. The state is giving a turn to the fashion industry, entertainment industry and the tourism industry also. With changing party cultures and a high count of NRIs, the state is turning into the hub of food resorts and tourist spots of national and international standards. The young demographic dividend in this case should become the first concern of the policy makers. Otherwise too, this youth turn to make or mar the future of the state political parties, being the newly added voters in this election. Above all, this human resource is a major power if utilized properly or this demographic dividend can be demographic disaster.

KEYWORDS: Education, Fashion Industry, Consumers, Green Revolution, Technology,

Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review(JEBR)

Published on :

Vol : 4
Issue : 7
Month : July
Year : 2016
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