Villalobos Lopez, Jose Antonio
Ph D (c) Economics, Instituto Politcnico Nacional,Mexico
The article is presented within the deductive method, under a gloss order and with a quantitative approach, with the objective of performing a financial analysis of channel 6 (later channel 5 and 35) of Guadalajara. Channel 6 was born in 1960 and in 1982 its concession was transferred to Corporación Tapatía de Televisión (CORTAP), a Grupo Medcom company. Until September 2020, it maintains a transmission contract with Televisa, which is declared economically predominant agent by the Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones (Federal Telecommunications Institute). Performing some tests of financial ratios for CORTAP, it is inferred that it is going through a critical moment since the end of 2020 and during the whole year of 2021, detecting a serious problem in its internal finances, since it presents a problem of acute indebtedness, caused by stock certificates that it issued in the Mexican Stock Exchange. We analyzed the financial information using the most recent methodologies of financial strategy, such as the Dupont system, the Ansoff matrix and the balanced scorecard, not finding how to solve the indebtedness problem. Recently (a few months ago) it became public knowledge that the concession was transferred to Telsusa Televisión México.
Keywords: commercial television; economics of communication; financial resources; financial statements; television advertising.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Studies (EBMS)

Published on : 2023-02-28

Vol : 10
Issue : 2
Month : February
Year : 2023
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