Khotamjon Kobulov,Lobar Boymurodova
Tashkent Institute of Finance, Uzbekistan
The article presents an interpretation of the essence of the investment cycle based on the recurrent approach, highlighting its relationships with the aggregate system processes within the macroeconomic cycle. Based on the study, the authors note that in modern conditions, the issues of theoretical and methodological research of the investment cycle are relevant to systematize quantitative and qualitative indicators of its dynamics in order to increase the economic efficiency of investment in general.
Keywords: nature of cycles, cycles in the economy, investment cycle, investment plan, investment process, investment efficiency, recurrence, recurrence theory.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Studies (EBMS)

Published on : 2023-12-15

Vol : 10
Issue : 12
Month : December
Year : 2023
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